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Citizen Portal

Citizen Portal

We have now embarked on the citizen account journey where we are happy to consult and provide you with options to get the best out of a citizen account. We are the first and currently only Electoral Management Software supplier that can allow a link to the Electoral Register Database which other services can link into. We can offer a stand-alone electoral administration only solution, we can contribute to an existing Citizen Account or can run as the principal platform with other Council Departments contributing into it. As the largest single source of trustworthy data held by a local Authority, the Electoral Roll is a great tool for driving recruitment and retention to your Citizen Account.


By linking the Electoral Register to a citizen portal you can offer self-service and digital transformation to the authority’s most paper dependant departments.


Benefits to the council include :

Considerable cost and time savings on administration,  

A reduced amount of phone calls for each service involved,

An accurate and complete database of your citizens in the area,

Higher levels of Customer Satisfaction,

Digital by default across all public faced services.


Your citizens will benefit from:

24/7 access to all services provide by the local authority,

A local look up service to check any target service status,

The ability to upload documents/images,

Download and upload application forms or complete online,

Low cost intelligent communication from you,

Notifications for any campaigns/news you wish to provide to them.


Democracy Counts are currently listed on G-Cloud 10 and Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3 frameworks. We can offer a wealth of professional consultancy and experience in running the citizen accounts for any sized local authority.

If you have your own portal, no problem, you can surface Electoral Data using our Elector8Connect product which exposes hundreds of API methods and is provided with a sandbox and swagger documentation.

Product Media

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