ElectorCount Lite
With increasing focus on localism and consultation, hand in hand with transparency and engagement, reaching your target audience quickly and cost-effectively is becoming more and more challenging. At a time when budgets are under pressure we need intelligent insight to inform our decisions and empirical evidence to substantiate these decisions. Research suggests it is growing more difficult to engage in a dialogue with our communities and especially key groups such as young people, the economically inactive, low socio-economic groups and those in areas of low educational achievement.
We at Democracy Counts are delighted to introduce ElectorCount Lite, which we think is a market leading insight/consultation tool giving you instant access to your communities and the ability to consult quickly, cheaply and securely on any issue and at a level of sophistication unmatched in its field.
So what can we offer?
ElectorCount Lite is a fully flexible consultation tool which uses web based technology to reach your target audience.
It enables you to:
create your own website for a specific issue, referendum or focus group using our templates and guided by our Wizards
create e-mails, SMS messages and/or letters to individuals
generate unique PINs for each recipient to access the web page securely
select and customise your target audience
import your own demographic data for real time insight into who is voting, and target key groups
count responses and give results instantly (including STV ballots)
ElectorCount Lite puts you in control to ask the questions or canvass opinions that you need on your issues.
By customising the website and message, you can tailor the language, look and content to match your audience perfectly and maximise response rates. Real time insight lets you see who is responding and who needs a prompt or a reminder - all done at the click of a mouse.
Anything else?
You can add telephone voting too. Record your own message and voting instructions and allow the voter to vote by telephone using the same PIN numbers in their poll card/voting letter. The vote feeds directly into our secure system and the voter can’t vote more than once by the same or another channel. Increasingly using Blockchain technology to secure your vote.
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